St Edward’s Maths Challenge
On Monday 13th November, seven Year 4 boys had the privilege of taking part in the very first St Edward’s Maths Challenge organised by Douglas Buchanan.
In total 16 teams from six different local schools took part in an afternoon of Maths challenges, puzzles, dice games, tangrams and dominoes. There was a real buzz in the air and all the boys and girls worked collaboratively to solve their various mind-boggling tasks.
A mention must go to the team of Year 6 boys who gave up their Games afternoon to help mark and aid the Year 4 teams. They proved to be superb ambassadors for the school. After 90 minutes of Maths fun, the boys waited anxiously for the results during the prize giving and it was pleasing to hear that St Edward’s came 7th out of 16.
We are very proud of them in what was the first of many more Maths Challenges to come. A big well done to Isaac, Joseph, Adhrit, Mohamed, Max, Sanay and especially Matthew who stepped in for another school that had a gap at the very last minute. A fabulous team effort!
Mrs Hunt.