Transitioning into Year 1
As you walk in to the Year 1 classroom the warm, nurturing and caring nature of Miss Clark teaching her pupils and the quiet, calm and happy environment that prevails is immediately obvious.
As children move from Reception in to Year 1, this transition means that the school day becomes that little bit more formalised with pupils sat at their desks for longer periods undertaking more structured work. Subjects include daily Maths, Phonics, Reading and Writing as well as multiple sessions of Music and Drama, Geography, Science, French, and Computer Science throughout the week. Our Year 1 children continue their weekly swimming lessons and sessions of PE as well as outdoor learning at Pangbourne College.
Whereas in Early Years, the children learn predominantly through play, our children in Pre-Prep split their time between formal learning but also through structured play times which include show and tell and golden time. The children learn when to work and when to play and how to balance that equilibrium and Miss Clark is brilliant at helping the children understand this concept.

Miss Clark encourages her children to always share and play supportively with their friends, to be confident and ask if they do not understand and to listen when they are being given instructions.
For this coming September, Miss Clark is moving up in to the Prep School where she will be the Year 3’s new Form Teacher.
Miss Clark says of her new role within St Edward’s Prep “I am really excited about this change of role and teaching the Year 3 children in September. As Year 1 and Year 2 spend a lot of time together, I feel I know these children already so I can’t wait to help them settle in to the Prep School with the increased responsibility and learning that this brings”.
Chloe joined St Edward’s Prep in September 2019 bringing with her a wealth of experience from her teaching positions in International schools in South Korea and Italy as well as her private tutorage in New Zealand. Chloe was awarded her BA (Hons) at Loughborough University and her QTS through Buckingham University.
Chloe’s passion is travelling and her global adventures have seen her visit more than 50 countries!
In her spare time she can be found paddle boarding, tap dancing or playing netball.