Registration Form

To register your son for St Edward’s Prep School for Boys, please complete the registration form below:

Registration Form

1. Details of your child:


Early registration is recommended. Registrations will be considered in the order they are received. Offers of places are subject to availability and the admission requirements of the school at the time offers are made. A copy of the current edition of the terms and Conditions will be issued when a place is offered but can be supplied on request.

Once this form has been received together with the fee of £50 a place will be offered and a deposit of £500 will be required to secure the place. This deposit (£500) is refunded once your child leaves the school. Cancellation of an accepted place will result in sacrifice of the deposit if more than one term's notice is provided. If less than a term's notice of cancellation is given a full term's fees less the deposit will be payable.

Payment information is as follows:

Account name: St Edward's Prep Limited
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-95-89
Account Number: 44093360

Please note that this form will not be processed until the registration fee has been received.


We request that our child named above is registered as a prospective pupil. We understand that we will be asked to provide a copy of the child’s passport or birth certificate on the offer of a place. We agree to pay the non-refundable registration fee. We understand that the Terms and Conditions of the School will undergo reasonable changes from time to time as circumstances require and will apply in all out dealings with the School. We understand that the School (through the Head as the responsible person) may obtain, process and hold personal information about us which may include information provided by us or by any licenced reference agency or information contained in any court orders, petitions or proceedings. We understand that the School may obtain, process and hold personal details about our child, including sensitive information such as medical details, and we consent to thus for the purposes of assessment and if a place is later offered, in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of your child.

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