Reception Uniform List
School Uniform
- Maroon St Edward’s Prep school winter coat
- Maroon St Edward’s Prep polo shirt with logo
- Grey trousers, grey pinafore or skirt (winter uniform)
- Grey shorts or striped dress (summer uniform)
- St Edward’s Prep grey jumper or cardigan with logo
- Long grey socks or white ankle socks (summer)
- Grey tights or short grey socks (winter)
- Black school shoes
- Woolly hat and gloves (winter) and sun hat (summer)
- Refillable water bottle
- Wellington boots (woodland experiences)
- St Edward’s Prep Backpack
- Maroon St Edward’s Prep hooded top and joggers
- Navy shorts
- White t-shirt
- White socks
- 1 pair trainers (non-marking soles from Clarks or similar shoe shop)
- Boys – Maroon St Edward’s Prep swimming trunks
- Girls – Maroon St Edward’s Prep swimsuit
- Maroon St Edward’s Prep swimming hat
- Maroon St Edward’s Prep swimming bag
- Swimming towel
All the above uniform is supplied by Stevensons in Reading. Their shop is located at 11-12 Market Place, Reading or online at www.stevensons.co.uk
ALL ITEMS MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE OWNER’S NAME https://www.wovenlabelsuk.com/school-labels/