Primary Maths Challenge
On Wednesday 15th November, Year 6 and selected Year 5 pupils, took part in the national ‘PRIMARY MATHEMATICS CHALLENGE’. It is hosted by the Mathematics Association every November and thousands of school across the country take part. Pupils have 45 minutes to complete a paper full of challenging mathematical puzzles and calculations. The boys have been practising hard in advance during lessons and Maths Club and this week they had their chance to complete the ‘real thing’! The language used and the way the questions are asked shows that not all mathematics questions come down to mathematical knowledge, but rather the interpretation of the questions and in some case reading the questions thoroughly!
All the boys did well to persevere with this challenge and many seemed to enjoy tackling trickier Maths and applying logic to problems that certainly expected them to think ‘out of the box’ and read the questions carefully. All in all, this is an experience that encourages enthusiasm and boosts confidence with mathematics. We are proud of all the boys that took part and will be presenting Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates to boys that achieved particularly impressive scores in Friday’s Celebration assembly.
Mrs Hunt.