Walks with Hawks
There was an air of excitement as the pupils of St Edward’s Prep arrived for school on a glorious sunny Monday morning.
Our Parent Teachers’ Association had arranged an educational visit for the boys from the wonderfully engaging and knowledgeable Clare at Walks with Hawks.
Clare has been busy educating the boys on Birds of Prey and what they love to eat, their habits and where they live and what threatens their existence.
Havoc the Kestral, Hibou the White Faced Owl and Thor the Burrowing Owl accompanied Clare to meet the Pre-Prep boys, some of whom were brave enough to meet and hold these beautiful birds, showing real courage and confidence. For the Prep boys, outside in the playground Henry the Barn Owl and Sid the Harris Hawk treated us to a flying display moving from one outstretched hand to another accompanied by big grins and sounds of delight.
Its not every day you are able to get up close and be able to admire such beautiful birds of prey so what a treat for us all. Clare is the founder of Walks with Hawks and offers falconry experiences and owl encounters. She is also the founder of Hawking for Heroes and offers complimentary falconry experiences for injured veterans.