Mr Suttie’s first week at St Edward’s

Wow…my first week has passed?

How do I describe my first week as Headmaster at St Edward’s – energetic? exciting? inspiring? welcoming?

Yes…all of these. Most of all though, I feel that I have come ‘home’.

I am appreciative of the support I have received from my colleagues and I am delighted to work with the St Edward’s Team. I am enormously proud of the powerful shared purpose and value statement for the year crafted collaboratively, during our INSET, at the beginning of the week. I am thrilled that we are all striving for the same ethos and values at our school. Equally, I am very excited to continue to pursue this and to play a part of the impact this will have on teaching and learning in the years ahead. I have been welcomed and embraced by colleagues, parents and children as a part of the St Edward’s Family – I truly feel that I have come ‘home’.

“Inspired to Collaboratively Serve the St Edward’s Family and Community”, our statement of purpose and value perfectly describes how I feel after my first week as Headmaster at St Edward’s. I now look forward eagerly to Monday and the start of Week 2!

Mr Suttie.