Year 6 young entrepreneurs
The St Edward’s Prep Enterprise Project is one of the many highlights of Year 6, and an opportunity to apply a range of learnt skills to a practical, real-world scenario that our oldest pupils relish.
Now in its 5th year, its aim is to give students hands-on experience in setting up and running a business, and show them how the subjects they learn in the classroom all have a role to play in the world of business; the literacy involved in writing a business proposal and marketing material; numeracy that ensures that all the figures add up; and design, science and technology, which will all be vital in developing a product.
This year’s efforts have had a focus on marine conservancy. Our entrepreneurs have been busy thinking up a name and strategic aim for their enterprise, designing a product to sell and then creating their own website where one can purchase their products.
Click into the websites to find out more about Sea This and Poseidon’s Clean Up.